Kevin Poniatowski

Kevin brings an optimal blend of speaking ability, technical savvy, and an insatiable passion for security to Security Innovation's training customers. This produces an engaging and enlightening environment from which to deliver both technical and awareness courses. Kevin entered the application security field in 2007 with Security Innovation, where he has split time between application security course development and delivering instructor-led courses. Kevin is the Principal Security Instructor at Security Innovation.

Posts By Kevin Poniatowski

March Madness and Security Awareness

Kevin Poniatowski   |     March 22, 2013

Does Security Awareness Training Actuall...

Kevin Poniatowski   |     March 7, 2013

The Dangers of Social Networking and Inf...

Kevin Poniatowski   |     February 21, 2013

Security Awareness: The Dangers of Using...

Kevin Poniatowski   |     February 1, 2013

Security Awareness Basics for 2013

Kevin Poniatowski   |     January 11, 2013

Another Year of Data Breaches: Informati...

Kevin Poniatowski   |     December 19, 2012

Growing Mismatch between Education and t...

Kevin Poniatowski   |     December 14, 2012

Password Policy Basics: Part 2

Kevin Poniatowski   |     December 9, 2012

Password Security Policy Basics: Part 1

Kevin Poniatowski   |     December 7, 2012

Why Would Anyone Want to Attack our Serv...

Kevin Poniatowski   |     November 30, 2012

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