Ed Adams

Ed Adams is a software quality and security expert with over 20 years of experience in the field. He served as a member of the Security Innovation Board of Directors since its inception in 2002 and took over as CEO in 2003. Ed is a Research Fellow at The Ponemon Institute, serves on the board of several IT security organizations, and was named a Privacy by Design Ambassador by the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Canada.

Posts By Ed Adams

Happy Birthday World Wide Web! Will the ...

Ed Adams   |     August 23, 2016

Making Application Security Fun and Appr...

Ed Adams   |     June 23, 2016

Looking Back at 2014: Examining the "Peo...

Ed Adams   |     March 12, 2015

4 Critical Questions to Boost Mobile App...

Ed Adams   |     March 7, 2014

Researchers Predict “Cryptopolypse”

Ed Adams   |     November 26, 2013

Threats to Data Centers - Attacking the ...

Ed Adams   |     November 14, 2013

Constraining vs. Training Developers – N...

Ed Adams   |     June 20, 2013

President Obama’s Cyber Security Executi...

Ed Adams   |     February 13, 2013

Why Software Still Stinks (It’s STILL In...

Ed Adams   |     February 13, 2013

Industrial Control System (ICS) Hacks De...

Ed Adams   |     November 27, 2012

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