Ed Adams

Ed Adams is a software quality and security expert with over 20 years of experience in the field. He served as a member of the Security Innovation Board of Directors since its inception in 2002 and took over as CEO in 2003. Ed is a Research Fellow at The Ponemon Institute, serves on the board of several IT security organizations, and was named a Privacy by Design Ambassador by the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Canada.

Posts By Ed Adams

Sony CISO Reporting to Executive Managem...

Ed Adams   |     September 14, 2011

Sony Appoints CISO in Response to PlaySt...

Ed Adams   |     August 24, 2011

Q&A with Myself - Thoughts on Sony, DOD,...

Ed Adams   |     August 3, 2011

My Haystack: Is finding that one needle ...

Ed Adams   |     June 17, 2011

About the Authors

Ed Adams   |     April 20, 2011

People, People, People

Ed Adams   |     April 8, 2011

Cyber Security Warning System

Ed Adams   |     March 15, 2011

CSSLP: Good, But Just a Start for Secure...

Ed Adams   |     February 25, 2011

Learn about Facebook Security

Ed Adams   |     January 31, 2011

The Time for Application Security Certif...

Ed Adams   |     December 21, 2010

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